Our mission and Vision
The Gibson Soto Foundation works to break the poverty cycle by supporting young women from impoverished or marginalized communities in Mexico to complete university-level education and providing additional programs and developmental skills to integrate our women from poverty to middle class.
Our mission: To serve the world by supporting higher education and full development for bright young women from marginalized communities in Mexico, allowing them to achieve sustainable success for future generations.
Our Vision: To break the cycle of poverty and achieve the sustainable development of communities through education, uplifting human beings, and generating peace and prosperity.

Our philosophies
The Gibson Soto Foundation is focused purely on improving young women’s lives through education and developmental programs so they may rise above poverty. Our philosophy is based on a simple set of core principles we call the Pillars of Integrity.
At the Gibson Soto Foundation, we believe these principles are at the core of everything we do, from the board of directors, staff, volunteers, and beneficiaries.
Message from the Founders
“We are so proud of our young women. Our young women have demonstrated their willingness to do what it takes to rise from poverty.”
In 2017, Patricia and Tom launched the Gibson Soto Foundation with a passion for helping young women from impoverished and marginalized communities in developing countries rise from poverty through education and developmental programs. 2018 marked the opening of their facility, La Cima, located in Queretaro, Mexico, where young women from different parts of the country will come live and participate in programs specially designed to help raise them from poverty while achieving a college degree.
2020 has been a challenging year around the world. The pandemic has brought challenges to our organization that could not have been predicted. Thanks to our donor support, our young women and their families have remained safe and healthy.
“We are so proud of our young women. Our young women have demonstrated their willingness to do what it takes to rise from poverty.”
Your support not only kept all of our students in school, and you allowed us to continue our programs in new ways we could not have ever imagined.
Your support positively impacted our student families by providing financial stimulus to help maintain a functioning household. Without this support, our students would be forced to abandon their studies to help support their families.
Success story
“I have come forward in my life despite many difficulties. My family and I are extremely grateful for all the support we have received month after month. I can assure you that Gibson Soto Foundation is one of the best opportunities in my life.”
Arcelia joined the Gibson Soto family in 2018 and hit the ground running from day one, focusing on her studies to become an industrial engineer specializing in plastics. Arcelia is a loving, caring individual with a heart of gold. Despite the challenges from the pandemic, family health issues, and the financial burdens of poverty, Arcelia has remained an amazing young woman who keeps smiling and is always eager to help others.
In December, Arcelia entered into the Nacional ExpoCiencias Sonora 2020 science and technology competition. Her task was to create a project that meets one of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations Organization. Arcelia’s goal was to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Arcelia created the Eco-Brick, and achieved second place! So we asked Acelia, “What is Eco-Brick?”
Eco brick is a project that aims to produce bricks with recycled materials from construction waste and using high-density polyethylene, which is a widely used plastic and easy to find in containers. Eco-Brick has a greater resistance to heat and more durable than a normal brick due to its composition.
In her spare time, Arcelia loves horseback riding and helping her family with their small farm.
We are so proud of Arcelia.
Student Testimonials

Lupita Reséndiz

Mayra Morales

Daniela Reséndiz

Alejandra García
2020 Accomplishments and Highlights
Academic hours – 10,832 Hours
Non-academic hours – 685 Hours
Volunteer hours – 1,720 Hours

Volunteer Testimonial: Ingrid – What better than to support each other, to support these women who have all the desire to continue, to grow, and to fulfill their goals.
Pandemic stimulus
Awards and Certificates

How else we help?
As part of the Gibson Soto Program, we teach benevolence and the art of giving. Throughout the year, all students are required to participate in our Programs of Giving.

How can you help?
The Gibson Soto Foundation sustains through donations and gifts from people and corporations like you. Your contributions create the pathway out of poverty for these young women. Without your help, their dreams of education would remain just a dream.
Please help us grow. Right now, there are more young women waiting to have their dream of an education and a pathway out of poverty. We need your help.
You can support our young women by donating to one of the special causes below.
Please donate today to the Gibson Soto Foundation.

Journey Fund: Help a Young Woman Begin Her Journey $5,000
Community Project Fund $1000
Technology Fund $500
Thank you
Many more young women deserve an opportunity of education and to live without the daily struggle of poverty. Your contribution can make a difference in the life of a young woman.
Email: Patricia@GibsonSotoFoundation.org
Phone: (305) 503-6653